If traditional family photography were a house, documentary family photography would be a home.
So much happens in our everyday life, and it all goes so fast, that we often fail to realize that it is the small things that fill the house - and our existence - with love and spirit. Like the way you touch your kid's head, the laughs that spill the toothpaste all over when you brush their teeth, or the way you and your partner look at each other when your kid surprises you with what they are saying.
The images I create are meant to record those moments. To pay witness of the power, energy, and hard work that you put into each day. To rescue from the forgetfulness that the lack of sleep and exhaustion bring, the details that make each day so worth it. Everything, including the funny, the difficult, the cute, the messy, the quiet and the loud. Because everything counts.
The wonder of this type of photography is the worry-free feeling, because all you have to do is be yourselves. Its magic, is that the resulting images will never be the same as anyone else out there. They are unique to you.
It was truly a unique experience.With all the tumbles and tears, scrapes and kiss-it-better-mommy, the hugs and the games, the cleaning, the meals, the snacks (and some more cleaning) - all of it! Ofelia made it feel like visiting with a friend - comfortable, relaxed, and engaging. We chatted, shared a meal, and when I would turn the corner, there she was playing with the kids. A really special experience, and I cannot wait to see the snapshot in time of where we are right now - a family of 5, living in our first home in Middleton, Nova Scotia.

I document families through my lens because I get to witness humanity in the most basic way. Having the privilege of observing people in their common life, striped from any adornments, raw and real, in their inner circle, has no comparison for me. Framing all of it from the perspective of love and art, is my constant goal.